Who We Are

Published Feb 20, 2020

Who We Are

With more than 2 million supporters, Food & Water Watch fights for sustainable food, clean water, and a livable climate for all of us. 

We protect people from the corporations and other destructive economic interests that put profit ahead of everything else.

Photo © Ken Schles

Healthy And Livable Planet

We all deserve a healthy and livable environment.

What We Believe

Human Dignity

We all deserve human dignity and to have our basic needs met.

Justice For All

We all deserve justice; people of all races, religions, genders, and sexual orientations deserve fair treatment and equitable opportunities and outcomes.

Economic Fairness

We all deserve economic fairness; let’s support the many, not the few.

Real Democracy

We all deserve real democracy; our votes and voices can’t be defeated by corporate money.

What We Do

To protect our food, water, and climate, we organize people around the country to build political power. We mobilize at the local, state, and federal levels to win the fights others are afraid to even take on.

From banning fracking, to shutting down factory farms, to making sure communities across the country have access to clean water, we’ve fought against greedy corporations and reckless government agencies and we’ve won time after time. We fight — and win — in the courts, in the halls of Congress, and on the ground in every state.  Corporations may have the money, but we believe people have the power to make real change. That’s why we win. 

Why We Win

We are lucky to recruit and fight alongside people like you who care so deeply about the planet we share, and together;

 We develop bold solutions.

We build a powerful ground operation.

We organize hundreds of thousands of people united across the country.

Our goals are clear, our focus is urgent. With members like you, we will save our climate, our food, and our water. 

All Gifts Matched

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