Biden’s Climate Agenda Falls Short on Confronting Fossil Fuels

‘Climate Day’ announcements are short on action to restrict fossil fuel development

Published Jan 27, 2021


Climate and Energy

‘Climate Day’ announcements are short on action to restrict fossil fuel development

‘Climate Day’ announcements are short on action to restrict fossil fuel development

For Immediate Release
Washington, D.C. – The White House is unveiling a suite of executive actions today that signal a renewed focus on the climate crisis. While many of the moves are encouraging, the plans need to tackle the production of fossil fuels.

Food & Water Watch Policy Director Mitch Jones released the following statement in response:

“To advance serious policies that actually address the climate crisis, the Biden administration must take aim at the source: the continued extraction and burning of fossil fuels. New investments in clean energy and making environmental justice a priority are necessary measures, but they must be paired with serious plans to stop our deadly addiction to fossil fuels. We need a White House that is committed to stopping all drilling and fracking, and shutting down any schemes to export fossil fuels.

“The White House order also seeks to eliminate fossil fuel subsidies. That should include handouts to the fossil fuel industry to promote carbon capture and sequestration, which are industry-backed technologies overwhelmingly used to extract more oil. These greenwashing schemes are not climate solutions, they are lifelines to the industries that have created the climate crisis in the first place.”


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Press Contact: Food & Water Watch [email protected]