Newsom’s Failure to End Fossil Fuel Permits Results in California’s Second Tier Membership in BOGA

California ineligible for core membership in Beyond Oil and Gas Alliance.

Published Nov 11, 2021


Climate and Energy

California ineligible for core membership in Beyond Oil and Gas Alliance.

California ineligible for core membership in Beyond Oil and Gas Alliance.

Sacramento, CA — California took its place today as a second-tier associate member of the Beyond Oil and Gas Alliance, a network of states and sub-nations committed to ending the expansion of fossil fuel production. California is ineligible for first-tier membership because Governor Newsom has yet to ban new oil and gas drilling permits. 

In response to the announcement, Food & Water Watch California Director Alexandra Nagy released this statement:

“Rather than exemplifying a holistic approach to climate action, California’s admittance to BOGA as an associate member highlights what prevented it from joining as a first tier member: Governor Newsom’s failure to stop new oil and gas permitting. Vital as Governor Newsom’s actions like banning new oil wells within 3,200 feet of communities are, his pattern of slow progress is not enough to stop global temperatures from rising above 1.5 degrees Celsius. Nor is it enough to secure Governor Newsom’s place as a climate leader with the rest of BOGA’s first tier members. That path begins with ending all fossil fuel permits and that is what we urge Governor Newsom to do.” 


Contact: Jessica Gable, (202) 683-2478, [email protected]

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Press Contact: Jessica Gable [email protected]