Interior Department Backtracking on Critical Action to Protect the Colorado River Must Be Corrected
Published Oct 26, 2023
Yesterday the Interior Department announced that it may drop its earlier plan, put forth in April, to make prudent cuts to state water allocations from the Colorado River, which recently dropped to alarmingly low levels due to decades of climate-driven drought conditions. In response, Food & Water Watch Managing Director of Policy and Litigation Mitch Jones issued the following statement:
“After decades of drought and gross misallocation of the Colorado River’s increasingly limited supply, it is alarming that the administration would suddenly consider doing nothing to mitigate the crisis – based solely on a few months of decent rain and snow.
“The Interior Department should return to its earlier plan and immediately enact prudent reductions in state water allocations, and more importantly take real action to prioritize water rights for people and communities – not massive, polluting factory farms and mega-dairies.”
Contact: Seth Gladstone – s[email protected]
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Press Contact: Seth Gladstone [email protected]