Supreme Court’s Chevron Decisions are a Gift to Polluters

Rulings threaten environmental, climate, and public health protections

Published Jun 28, 2024


Climate and Energy

Rulings threaten environmental, climate, and public health protections

Rulings threaten environmental, climate, and public health protections

Today the Supreme Court overruled its longstanding Chevron precedent, which has instructed courts to afford federal agencies deference when interpreting laws they are tasked with carrying out.

Today’s decision will enable judges to substitute their own interpretation of ambiguous statutory text for those of agency experts when considering agency authority under key environmental, public health, and consumer protection laws. This will make it easier for polluters to challenge regulations in friendly courts, and could have a chilling effect on agencies tasked with carrying out these laws.

In response, Food & Water Watch Executive Director Wenonah Hauter issued the following statement:

“Today’s reckless but unsurprising decision from this far-right court is a triumph for corporate polluters that seek to dismantle common-sense regulations protecting clean air, clean water and a livable climate future. This decision brings into sharp relief the critical importance of electing presidents who will appoint Supreme Court justices guided by science and sound legal precedent. 

“Despite today’s misguided opinion, our strong environmental laws give EPA and other federal agencies authority to move forward with ambitious plans to protect our air, water, and climate. They must use it.”

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