Advocates Deliver 2500+ Petitions to Governor Kotek’s Office 

Food & Water Watch, Stand Up to Factory Farms Coalition call on Governor to take further action to stop expansion of factory farms in Oregon

Published Jul 1, 2024


Food SystemClimate and EnergyClean Water

Food & Water Watch, Stand Up to Factory Farms Coalition call on Governor to take further action to stop expansion of factory farms in Oregon

Food & Water Watch, Stand Up to Factory Farms Coalition call on Governor to take further action to stop expansion of factory farms in Oregon

Salem – Last Friday advocates with the Stand Up to Factory Farms Coalition delivered 2500+ petitions to Governor Kotek’s office. The petition, signed by Oregonians across the state, urges Governor Kotek to stop the expansion of factory farms in Oregon as they contribute greatly to climate change, use up scarce water supplies, cause water and air pollution, harm the welfare of animals, exploit workers, and push family farms out of business. 

In addition to delivering the petitions in Salem, throughout the past week Oregonians came together to urge Oregon’s elected officials to continue the fight to stop the expansion of factory farms through a series of events like a bike ride, art build, and trivia night as well as making calls to their legislators.  

Said Aimee Travis, Oregon Organizer for Food & Water Watch, “It is inspiring to see so many Oregonians coming together to fight back against factory farming and advocate for a more sustainable food system that works for all. Oregonians have shown, once again, that we will continue to reject the expansion of industrialized factory farming which prioritizes corporate profits over our environment, public health, and family-scale farmers. Air and water pollution from factory farms remains unregulated and our current rules fail to prevent them from exploiting our land and natural resources. It’s time for our state leaders to take immediate action to protect Oregonians from the growing threat of a food system dominated by corporatized factory farms.

“Despite what the Big Ag lobby tells policy makers, Oregonians do not want to sacrifice our air, water, public health or community welfare to the profits of out-of-state and corporate owned mega-sized factory farms,” said Amy van Saun, senior attorney with Center for Food Safety and manager of the SUFF coalition. “Oregon agriculture can become an even more resilient and sustainable way to feed Oregonians, but sending profits to mega-million dollar companies like R.D. Offutt—while leaving rural disadvantaged communities with poisoned drinking water—is not what Oregon is about.”

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Press Contact: Madeline Bove [email protected]