Newsom Institutes 3,200 Foot Safety Setbacks But Makes No Mention of Ending New Fossil Fuel Permits
Long-awaited setback ruling protects frontline communities but makes no mention of ban on oil and gas drilling.
Published Oct 21, 2021
Long-awaited setback ruling protects frontline communities but makes no mention of ban on oil and gas drilling.
Sacramento, CA — After years of grassroots organizing and pressure, today Governor Gavin Newsom announced the immediate establishment of 3,200 foot health and safety buffers between current drill sites and nearby communities — 700 feet more than the distance initially requested by environmental advocates . Newsom’s announcement comes just before he is set to take the stage at the world’s biggest climate summit, COP26, in Glasgow next week. Frontline communities have waited two years for the promised health and safety rule from CalGEM.
“Governor Newsom’s announcement is a victory for communities on the frontlines of drilling who suffer the daily health impacts of proximity to fossil fuel extraction, ” said Food & Water Watch California Director Alexandra Nagy. “3,200 foot buffer zones between sensitive community sites and drill locations are a vital step in protecting Californians from the pollution and emissions of fossil fuels. But we know that there is only one way for Governor Newsom to truly protect Californians from the public health and environmental crises caused by fossil fuels: stop issuing oil and gas permits immediately.”
Contact: Jessica Gable, (202) 683-2478, [email protected]
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Press Contact: Jessica Gable [email protected]