House Opposition to Schumer/Manchin Pro-Fossil Fuel “Side Deal” is Latest Evidence of Growing Movement to Kill the Bill
Published Sep 9, 2022
Washington, D.C. – In a letter delivered to Speaker Nancy Pelosi today, more than 70 U.S. House members affirmed their opposition to a legislative deal crafted by Senators Schumer and Manchin that would fast-track fossil fuel infrastructure development. The deal, which Schumer apparently intends to attach to an upcoming budget continuing resolution, would prioritize fossil fuel projects, including the highly controversial Mountain Valley Pipeline.
In response, Food & Water Watch Executive Director Wenonah Hauter issued the following statement:
“Today’s letter from House members further confirms what we’ve been seeing on the streets and in town hall meetings across the country: large and growing public disgust for this egregious fossil fuel permitting deal. The cynical manner in which the deal is being pushed, as an attachment to must-pass legislation, represents the worst of Washington politics from Democratic Party leaders who claim to be climate champions.
“This permitting deal would fast-track fossil fuel expansion at the expense of our health and safety and a livable climate. Evidence from the last decade clearly shows that promoting cleaner energy while still advancing new fossil fuel projects will not reduce climate pollution. The science is clear: To maintain a chance of having a livable planet for future generations, we must halt all new fossil fuel development now. This dirty energy deal would be a climate killer.”
Contact: Seth Gladstone – [email protected]
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Press Contact: Seth Gladstone [email protected]