Iowa House Passes HF 565 to Restrict Hazardous Carbon Pipelines

Last-minute amendment guts critical safety precautions, local control

Published Mar 22, 2023


Food System

Last-minute amendment guts critical safety precautions, local control

Last-minute amendment guts critical safety precautions, local control

Des Moines, IA — Today, the Iowa House passed HF 565 73-20 to restrict hazardous carbon pipelines, with a last-minute amendment that stripped out critical provisions including a moratorium on pipeline permitting until federal safety regulations on hazardous carbon pipelines were finalized and provisions that required carbon pipeline companies to adhere to local laws. The legislation now heads to the Senate.

The vote came hours after scores of landowners, residents and advocates rallied at the Capitol in support of the bill’s passage without the amendments. As passed, the legislation would restrict eminent domain until a hazardous pipeline company had maintained 90% of their proposed route through voluntary easements.

Opposition to the carbon pipelines is at a fever pitch. Just last month, hundreds of Iowans rallied at the Capitol for a ban on eminent domain for the proposals. The latest Des Moines Register/Mediacom Iowa Poll found that fully 78% of Iowans oppose eminent domain for carbon pipelines. According to Food & Water Action polling, 80% of voters favorable to Kim Reynolds oppose eminent domain for the carbon pipelines.

Food & Water Watch Senior Iowa Organizer Emma Schmit issued the following statement:

“Without the tireless efforts of Iowans across the state, legislation to restrict hazardous carbon pipelines would not have made it to the House Floor, let alone pass. But we must go further.

“Hazardous carbon pipelines are unnecessary, unsafe, and unwanted. As Summit, Navigator and Wolf parade their profiteering proposals before the Iowa Utilities Board, Iowans are making our opposition to these scams loud and clear. The Senate and Governor Reynolds must strengthen and pass this legislation inclusive of a moratorium until federal carbon pipeline safety regulations are finalized and with provisions that require adherence to local safety laws.”

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